The Department aims:
(1) to be a catalyst of change in the business community of Southern Mindanao by developing well-equipped graduates who have a deep understanding of the basic concepts, theories, principles, and techniques;
(2) to promote and nurture the sense of entrepreneurship among students as an option for greater business opportunities;
(3) to develop and strengthen the students’ research capabilities;
(4) to expose the students to the fast changing business environment through seminars, research dissemination, workshops, and immersion programs;
(5) to enhance the students’ capability in the use of quantitative tools in business to be effective in decision-making; and
(6) to open the sensitivity of students to serve or uplift the way of life of the indigenous peoples and Muslims by sharing with them the business knowledge acquired.
Bachelor of Science in Business Management
Program of Study
Approved Effective School Year 2018-2019
First Year - First Semester
- GE 1210– Readings in Philippine History, 3 units
- GE 1211– The Contemporary World, 3 units
- GE 1213– Life and Works of Rizal, 3 units
- GE 1212– Science, Technology and Society, 3 units
- MGT 1130– Management and Organization, 3 units
- ASF 1101– Arrupe Social Formation 1, 2 units
- ASF 1102 – National Service Training Program-Civic Welfare Training Service 1, 3 unit
- PE 111 – PATH-FIT I, 2 units
- Theo 1000 – Theology, 3 units
- ASF 1000 -Arrupe Social Formation 0, 2 units
First Year - Second Semester
- GE 1105 – Understanding the Self, 3 units
- GE 1106 – Purposive Communication, 3 units
- GE 1107 – Art Appreciation, 3 units
- GE 1108 – Mathematics in the Modern World, 3 units
- GE 1109 – Ethics, 3 units
- MGT 1231 – Organizational Communication & Presentation, 3 units
- ASF 1203 – National Service Training Program- Civic Welfare Training Service 2, 3 units (Prerequisite: ASF 1102)
- PE 1215 – PATH-FIT II, 2 units (Prerequisite: PE 1114 )
- Philo 1000 – Philosophy, 3 units
- ASF 1101 – Arrupe Social Formation 1, 2 units (Prerequisite: PE 1)
Second Year - First Semester
- GE 3118 – Elective 1, 3 units
- BMTAX 2141 – Income and Business Taxation, 3 units
- FIN 1131 – Business Analysis Tools, 3 units
- FIN 3153 – Financial Markets, 3 units
- HRM 2232 – Human Resource Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 1130)
- MGT 2132 – Management Information System, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 1130)
- HIST 111 – Management of Public Organizations and Cooperatives, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 1130)
- PE 2116 – PATH-FIT III, 2 units (Prerequisite: PE 1114)
Second Year - Second Semester
- GE 3219 – Elective 2, 3 units
- MGT 2255 – Good Governance and Social Responsibility, 3 units
- MKTG 2265 – Advanced Marketing, 3 units (Prerequisite: FIN 1131)
- FIN 1130 – Basic Microeconomics, 3 units
- FL 3170 – Foreign Language 1, 3 units
- FIN 2135 – Applied Management Science, 3 units (Prerequisite: FIN 1131)
- MGT 2234 – Management of Private Organizations and Family Businesses, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 1130)
- PE 2217 – PATH-FIT IV, 2 units (Prerequisite: PE 1114)
Third Year - First Semester
- GE 4120 – Elective 3, 3 units
- ACC 3164 – Managerial Accounting, 3 units
- MGT 3135 – Business Research, 3 units (Prerequisite: FIN 1131)
- BL 2151 – Law on Obligations and Contracts, 3 units
- MGT 3136 – Project Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: FIN 2135)
Third Year - Second Semester
- ENTREP 3255 – Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 1130)
- MGT 3257 – International Business and Trade (International Management), 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 3136)
- MGT 3237 – Thesis Writing, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 3135)
- MGT 3156 – Operations Management and Total Quality Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: FIN 2135)
- MGT 3238– Logistics, Inventory, and Control Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 1130)
Fourth Year - First Semester
- PRAC 4143 – Administration and Office Management, 3 units
- MGT 4139 – Strategic Management and Business Policy, 3 units (Prerequisite: MGT 3156)
- BL 4142 – Labor Law, 3 units (Prerequisite: BL 2151)
- FIN 4156 – Securities Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: FIN 1131)
- MGT 4140 – Management Consulting, 3 units (Prerequisite: HRM 2232)
Fourth Year - Second Semester
- PRAC 4244 – Internship for Management, 6 units (Prerequisite: PRAC 4143)
- ASF 4204 – Seniors’ Integration Program, 2

Career Opportunities
General and Operations Manager
Sales Manager
Venture Capitalist
Company CEO
Ateneo de Davao University
E. Jacinto Street, 8016, Davao City, Philippines
Contact No.
+63 82 221.2411 local 8312