The Department aims:
(1) to develop students’ understanding of marketing concepts and marketing functions as a management process;
(2) to develop among students the analytical and creative abilities with a broad perspective to think across disciplines, geographical and political boundaries, and with a mastery of today’s technology;
(3) to produce students who will understand the underlying disciplines to study effective management of several dimensions of marketing within a firm;
(4) to have a deep understanding of consumer behavior, marketing organization and control, product and pricing policy, consumer marketing and retailing, multinational and international marketing, and marketing strategy formulation;
(5) to develop among students the importance of research output in marketing decision making; and
(6) to develop social responsiveness and good ethical behavior as a marketing practitioner.
Bachelor of Science in Marketing
Program of Study
Approved Effective School Year 2018-2019
First Year - First Semester
- GE 1210 – Readings in Philippine History, 3 units
- GE 1211 – The Contemporary World, 3 units
- GE 1213 – Life and Works of Rizal, 6 units
- GE 1212 – Science, Technology and Society, 3 units
- MKTG 1130 – Professional Salesmanship, 3 units
- ASF 1101 – Arrupe Social Formation 1, 2 units
- ASF(NSTP) 1102 – National Service Training Program-Civic Welfare Training Service 1, 3 unit
- PE 1114 – PATH-FIT I, 2 units
- Theo 1000 – Theology, 3 units
- ASF 1000 – Arrupe Social Formation 0, 2 units
First Year - Second Semester
- GE 1105 – Understanding the Self, 3 units (Prerequisite: ENGL 11)
- GE 1106 – Purposive Communication, 3 units
- GE 1107 – Art Appreciation, 3 units
- GE 1108 – Mathematics in the Modern World, 3 units
- GE 1109 – Ethics, 3 units
- ASF(NSTP) 1203 – National Service Training Program-Civic Welfare Training Service 2, 3 units (Prerequisite: ASF(NSTP) 1102)
- PE 1215 – PATH-FIT II , 2 units (Prerequisite: PE 1114)
- Philo 1000 – Mathematics of Investment, 3 units
- ASF 1101 – Arrupe Social Formation 1, 2 units (Prerequisite: ASF 1000)
Second Year - First Semester
- MKTG 2131 – Marketing Management, 3 units
- MKTG 2132 – Marketing Statistics (lab), 3 units
- MKTG 2133 – Retail Management, 3 units
- MGT 3135 -Business Research, 3 units
- FIN 1130 – Basic Microeconomics, 3 units
- GE 3118 – Elective 1, 3 units
- FL 3170 – Foreign Language 1, 3 units
- PE 2116 – PATH-FIT III, 2 units (Prerequisite: PE 1114)
Second Year - Second Semester
- MKTG 2234 – Advertising and Integrated Marketing Communication, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MKTG 2235 – Consumer Behavior, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MKTG 2236 – Marketing Information System and Digital Marketing, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MKTG 2237 – Pricing Strategy, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MK RES 2238 – Marketing Research, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131, MKTG 2132,MGT 3135 )
- HRM 2232 – Human Resource Management, 3 units
- GE 3219 -Elective 2, 3 units
- PE 2217 – PATH-FIT IV , 2 units (Prerequisite: PE 1114)
Third Year - First Semester
- MKTG 3139 – Distribution Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MKTG 3140 – Product Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MKTG 3141 – Sales Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 1130, HRM 2232)
- MKTG 3142 – Marketing Elective 1, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- FIN 2135 – Applied Management Science, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2132)
- GE 4120 – Elective 3, 3 units
Third Year - Second Semester
- MKTG 3243 – Market Analysis and Development, 3 units (Prerequisite: MK RES 2238, MKTG 2235, MKTG 2133)
- MKTG 3244 – Marketing Elective 2, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MKTG 3245 – Service Marketing, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 2131)
- MKTG 3250 – International Business and Trade (Global Marketing), 3 units (Prerequisite: MK RES 2238, FL 3170)
- MGT 2255 – Good Governance and Social Resposibility, 3 units (Prerequisite: None)
- MGT 3156 – Operations Management and TQM, 3 units (Prerequisite: FINMAN 1)
- FINMAN 2 – Financial Management 2, 3 units (Prerequisite: FIN 2135)
Fourth Year - First Semester
- MK INT 4148 – Internship 1, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 3243, MKTG 3245)
- MKTG 4146 – Thesis Writing, 3 units (Prerequisite: MKTG 3243)(Prerequisite: ACC 8)
- BMTAX 2141 – Income and Business Taxation, 3units (Prerequisite: None)
Fourth Year - Second Semester
- MK INT 4249 – Internship 2, 3 units (Prerequisite: MK INT 4148, MKTG 3243)
- MKTG 4247 – Strategic Marketing Management, 3 units (Prerequisite: MK INT 4148, MGT 3156, HRM 2232, FIN 1130)
- BL 2151 – Business Law, 3units (Prerequisite: None)
- ASF 4204 – Seniors’ Integration Program, 3 units (Prerequisite: None)

Career Opportunities
Brand/Product Manager
Event/Meeting Planner
Public Relations Officer
Social Media Manager
Contact Information
Ateneo de Davao University
E. Jacinto Street, 8016, Davao City, Philippines
Contact No.
+63 82 221.2411 local 8356